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情報源:Maglificio Santini: “Ora il traguardo è salvare vite, pronte le nostre mascherine”


riconvertire la propria azienda per realizzare mascherine tanto necessarie per ridurre il propagarsi del contagio da Covid 19 Coronavirus.




たとえば、ワールドツアーチームのロット・ソウダルやクイックステップにウェアを提供するベルギーブランドのVermarc Sportがそれ。



Kalas statement on Covid-19 situation and impact on custom production. As a family-owned company we care deeply about the health and wellbeing of all our employees, at our factory and head office in the Czech Republic, and our distributors and local offices all around the world. We have taken essential measures to protect our people and try as best we can to provide an uninterrupted service to our valued customers. As of this moment, we are operating at approximately 80% of our normal capacity. With Czech schools closed some of our factory workers need to remain home. For those continuing to work we have provided additional measures inside the workplace to minimise risk of transmitting the virus. Office staff are now working from home for an indefinite period. Kalas have been asked to urgently produce essential items for local emergency services in our home region. We apologise for any inconvenience caused by any subsequent delays to custom orders but hope you understand the extreme and unanticipated reasons for this slight delay in unprecedented times. Our e-shop of stock items remains well-stocked with our collections and replicas. For further information on individual (custom) orders please contact your local Kalas representative who will be keen to assist. In the meantime, as many of you will be entering a period of lockdown and isolation, we believe it's important to keep spirits high and stay active. We will be stepping-up our online content, with more blogs for you to read and videos to watch, and we plan to organise more virtual rides and races via Zwift where together we can all Ride On. Details to follow via social media and newsletters. Thank you all for your continued support and we wish you all good health. Josef Filip & Jakub Vencek.

KALAS Sportswear(@kalas_sportswear)がシェアした投稿 –



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