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昨年の春のビッグニュースとして世界を騒然とさせた、現代の最強スプリンターだったマルセル・キッテル(Marcel Kittel)の突然のチームKatusha-Alpecinとの契約解除と引退。


そんなキッテルが、オランダメディアAlgemeen Dagbladのインタビューで引退と現在の生活について語っている(Algemeen Dagblad:Zoontje raakt Kittel harder dan zeges: ‘Ik ben nu in mijn leven waar ik wil zijn’)。引退に後悔はあるのか?



The last weeks and months have been quite a journey since I retired. So many great and new things came into my life: I´m a dad now, a student at university and an ex-pro looking forward to social rides and happy moments on the bike. Now, I´m very happy to announce that I can continue my transition from pro to passionate cyclist together with a cooperation with @enduraofficial . I feel like I found a group of people at Endura that is not only caring about great products but also about a cycling mentality that is focused on the passion of riding and enjoyment on and off the bike. Everyone is really down to earth and I´m looking forward to be able to give my experience as a former pro as feedback to create an even better riding experience. But after all what really matters is to have fun on the bike with great people around you! 🙂 P.S. The pictures were taken in Scotland and I have never ridden my bike there before but it is B-E-A-UTIFUL! Stunning nature, water, whiskey and sheep everywhere, small roads and no people. 😉 It´s on my bucket list for the next bike holiday with the boys.

Marcel Kittel(@marcelkittel)がシェアした投稿 –

キッテルは今、ドイツのコンスタンツ大学(Universiteit van Konstanz/University of Constance)で経済学の学士をとるべく勉強中とのこと。ただ、新コロ助のせいで現在は自宅学習を余儀なくされている。




Om zeker te zijn dat ik later geen spijt zou krijgen. Nu weet ik dat in één jaar heel veel kan veranderen. Het heeft geweldig uitgepakt. Ik ben nu in mijn leven waar ik wil zijn.’’



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