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以前、Trek-Segafredoのクーン・デ・コルト (Koen de Kort)が指をオフロードを車で走行中に指を三本切断する事故を起こしたと記事にしたのを覚えているだろうか。
Super happy with this news.
— Koen de Kort (@koendekort) August 2, 2021
I’ll miss racing bikes but this role with the team and @TrekBikes is the perfect next step for me 🙏 https://t.co/lDdT4ZecHh
またチームで長年メカニックをやっていたグレン・リーヴン(Glen Leven)もデ・コルトともに同じくサポートマネージャーに就く。
“I’d much prefer to retire at a nice race and have my friends and family there, and have a party and that’s it for professional cycling and move on to the next one. Now it’s just ending with a massive downer, which is not the way that you want to end. But I am 38 years old, so it’s been a nice career for sure. And I think I can be proud of what I have achieved and what I’ve done.
“This is for sure something that I really wanted to do, it’s the job that I really wanted, and I tried really hard to get, way before my accident even happened. It’s also why I studied sport management when I did, for a role like this. I like that side of it, I like the communication part, and especially when I found out that there was a possibility for me to get this role, I was super excited to really get into it. I think especially the connection between Trek as a company and the Factory Racing Team, as Trek-Segafredo is, that’s really super interesting. I like the corporate side of it as much as I do the racing side, so I think it is a perfect combination of things for me to jump into.”