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2ヶ月前に今年限りでの引退を表明していたトム・デュムラン(Tom Dumoulin)だが、今日をもって(現地時間8/15の月曜日)引退することを発表した。本人のインスタを見て欲しい。




I decided to quit professional cycling with immediate effect.


During last spring, despite my love for the bike, I noticed that things weren’t going how I wanted. I felt that I was ready for a new phase in my life. But, I still had one project on my wishlist to end my career with a bang; the World Championship in Australia. I wanted to tackle that road to the World Championship the way I tackled the road to the Tokyo Olympics.


With a sense of freedom, on my terms, with the support of the team and with my intrinsic motivation as the main fuel. That’s what brought me back the joy of cycling back then.


But I notice that I can’t do it anymore. The tank is empty, the legs feel heavy and the training sessions are not working out as I hoped and I also need to do a good performance and have a good feeling at the World Championship.


I had to interrupt my efforts to return to my old shape yet again and deal with another disappointment. It was one too many. Even though the farewell didn’t turn out the way I hoped, I look back on my career with incredible pride.


なお、ベルギーのワールドツアーチームのIntermarché-Wanty-Gobert Matériauxが、トム・デュムランをコーチやトレーナー的なスタッフとして獲得したいとの意向を持っている。

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