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ティボー・ピノ(Thibaut Pinot)が今年限りでの引退を表明

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衝撃的なニュースが入ってきた。フランスのワールドツアーチームのグルパマFDJ(GroupamaーFDJ)が、長年絶対的エースを務めてきたティボー・ピノ(Thibaut Pinot)の今シーズン限りでの引退を発表したのだ。チームの発表を見て欲しい。

チーム公式サイトでは、チームのジェネラルマネージャーであるMarc Madiotがピノと話したことなどがインタビュー形式で掲載されている。それによるとピノはこれまで何年間もずっと引退のことを考えてきたようだ。


Did you try to dissuade him?

Not at all, because I know him well enough, and I also know that the end of a career is something very personal. Having now been in the business for a while, I’ve come across several cases. On this particular matter, when the athlete is determined, you must not go against it. It’s no use and it’s not good for anyone. I have known other cases where I felt that the rider was hesitating. In that case, the role of the team manager is also to make the rider aware that if he is asking himself questions, he is not far from the answer. Every career end is a particular case. It really is. It also depends on the family environment, the course of the career, and whether ambitions have been fulfilled or not. The only rule I command myself to follow is to listen to the person I have in front of me. When Thibaut Pinot comes to see me and says: “I’m retiring”, he is the one that decides to stop. You can think that it’s the right time or not, but he’s the one to decide. I have experienced it. I know what high-level sport is, and I know what it is like when your body, your mind, or both at the same time, tell you “it’s time”. You can’t fight that. That’s also my role as a boss. It’s easy to say to someone “you can still continue”. But no, you shouldn’t do it. It doesn’t take anything away from the human relationship you share with the rider, on the contrary. In this kind of situation, my role is really to stick to what the person is and to understand the message.

これは、ピノから引退の意向を示されたときチーム側は引き止めようとしたのか?との問いに対して、Marc Madiotがそのときどう考え、どう彼と接したのかを答えた部分だ。





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