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🐷は無料会員だが、仮に有料会員で年間契約になるとすれば日本市場の場合は月額525円(2023年1月16日現在)となるのだろうか?(Strava:ワイアードの豚 Bike News Mag)
@Strava @StravaSupport : come on then. Justify this 50% price increase ? I’ll be cancelling my monthly subscription. Laughable #strava #stravapriceincrease #stravapisstake pic.twitter.com/2p8rfQQoUg
— Ben (@BendyBen999) January 10, 2023
@Strava why y’all ignoring your subscribers? This price increase is insane. And far from worth the cost. pic.twitter.com/QVPwzFAtzg
— I don’t get it (@ErnestVigil) January 9, 2023
そしてStrava Raises Prices But Can’t Tell You How Much It Costs Anymoreという記事では、各国の値上げ後の料金が紹介されているが、この$99.99はカナダ圏の価格のようだ。
“As we continue to invest in your experience, our prices may change to better reflect new features and market conditions. The decision to change our price was not taken lightly and we want to share why this is happening.
Our priority is giving you a unique experience for a holistic view of your active lifestyle. This happens through delivering you value on a daily basis through new features, product updates and services. In the past 10 years, Strava has added countless new features including support for more than 40 sport types, Beacon, route recommendations, an online route builder tool, global and personal heatmaps, segment leaderboards and custom goals and progress. These additions are made based on your valuable feedback, what we are hearing from the active community and research.
While our subscription price has largely remained constant for the past years, we also take local market conditions into consideration. When costs and plans are adjusted, we’re always working to improve your experience and invest in the value delivered to you on a daily basis. Pricing decisions will continuously be evaluated to ensure we are offering the best value of our growing features to our community.
Price changes will vary depending on region and preferred platform.”
最近はDAZNが月額3700円へ値上げを発表したばかり。またAmazon Primeも米国では日本よりもかなり値上がっている。
参考:DAZNはなぜ値上げするのか 2年で“ほぼ倍”の月額3700円に
また、各国市場ごとの戦略が異なるのも当然だろう。上のようにAmazon Primeサービスは米国では日本よりずっと高い価格だが、日本ではわりと安いままだ。これは楽天やヨドバシといったライバルの存在があるからだとはよく言われている。