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そのファンと最初に衝突したのが、Jumbo-Vismaの機関車ことドイツ人のトニー・マルティン(Tony Martin:通称トニマル)。



“To all the people next to the road who think that the Tour de France is a circus, to people who risc [sic] everything for a selfie with a 50 km/h fast peloton, to people who think it’s nice to show their naked butt, to drunken people who push us sideways on the climbs, to people who think that it is a good idea to hold a sign into the road while the peloton is passing. I want to ask [these] people forcefully: please respect the riders and the Tour de France! Use your head or stay home! We don’t want you here. You risc [sic] our life and our dreams for what we work so hard!”


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