UCIが、その国際カレンダーにあるUCI管轄の全分野の全レースを、3月15日から完全に中止(中断)する。 ロードレースに限らずBMX、MTB、トラック競技なども対象である。厳密にいえば中止を要請ということやけど、まぁUCIの意向に反してレースしてもしもの責任問題になったアレやから、みんなUCIの言うこと聞くやろね。
UCIによる公式声明「The UCI takes strong measures faced with the development of the coronavirus」を読んでほしい。
- The safety of athletes being a priority mission of the UCI, organisers are expressly requested to cancel any cycling event on the UCI International Calendar in territories identified at risk by the WHO;
- Suspension of all classifications for all events on the UCI International Calendar, across all disciplines, from 15 March 2020 and until further notice but at least until 3 April 2020. By freezing the points during the period indicated, the UCI is preserving sporting equity for the athletes;
- With regard to the qualification procedure for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games, which has been completed for road, track and para-cycling track but is still ongoing for mountain bike, BMX Racing, BMX Freestyle and para-cycling road, the UCI has taken the decision to ask respectively to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) and International Paralympic Committee (IPC) that the qualification period is stopped retroactively as of 3 March 2020. Here again, with this strong decision, the UCI ensures sporting equity when it comes to the awarding of Olympic quotas.
① The safety of athlete
これは アスリートの健康第一という考えであり、UCIにとって最重要任務である。 今回の施策において最も重要視される根幹である。この観点から全てを考えなければならない。
② Suspension of all classifications for all events on the UCI International Calendar
③ qualification procedure for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Games