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インスリン発見100周年を記念し、チームNovo Nordiskがスポンサー契約延長。
選手全員が1型糖尿病患者というプロチームがノボノルディスク(Team Novo Nordisk)。メインスポンサーのノボ・ノルディスク社は、デンマークの世界的製薬企業である。
We’re proud to extend our partnership with @teamnovonordisk through 2023 and support the first-ever all-diabetes professional cycling team in their mission to inspire, educate and empower everyone affected by diabetes 💪 #ChangingDiabetes
— Novo Nordisk (@novonordisk) August 20, 2020
“We are proud to extend our partnership with Team Novo Nordisk until the end of 2023. Team Novo Nordisk is a role model for many children and adults living with diabetes, and is showing to the world how continuous innovation is enabling people with diabetes to live their dreams. With this, our partnership will include both the 100 year celebration of the discovery of insulin as well as the 100 year anniversary of Novo Nordisk as a company,”